Results for 'Stephen J. Summers'

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  1. Subsystems and independence in relativistic microscopic physics.Stephen J. Summers - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (2):133-141.
  2.  94
    Local Primitive Causality and the Common Cause Principle in Quantum Field Theory.Miklos Redei & Stephen J. Summers - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 32 (3):335-355.
    If $\mathcal{A}$ (V) is a net of local von Neumann algebras satisfying standard axioms of algebraic relativistic quantum field theory and V 1 and V 2 are spacelike separated spacetime regions, then the system ( $\mathcal{A}$ (V 1 ), $\mathcal{A}$ (V 2 ), φ) is said to satisfy the Weak Reichenbach's Common Cause Principle iff for every pair of projections A∈ $\mathcal{A}$ (V 1 ), B∈ $\mathcal{A}$ (V 2 ) correlated in the normal state φ there exists a projection C (...)
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  3. British Kierkegaard research: A historical survey.J. Thomas & Richard Summers - 1991 - Kierkegaardiana 15.
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    Ownership Rights.Shaylene E. Nancekivell, Charles J. Millar, Pauline C. Summers & Ori Friedman - 2016 - In Wesley Buckwalter & Justin Sytsma, Blackwell Companion to Experimental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 247–256.
    Ownership rights influence thought and behavior in relation to the physical world and in relation to other people. We review recent research examining the nature of ownership rights, and how young children and adults conceive of them. This research examines issues such as the rights ownership is assumed to confer; whether ownership rights reflect principles specific to ownership or instead depend on more general moral principles; and whether ownership rights are inventions of law and culture, or whether they have a (...)
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  5. Stephen J. Field: Craftsman of the Law.Stephen J. Field & Carl Brent Swisher - 1970 - Ethics 81 (1):77-79.
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  6. Foucault and education: disciplines and knowledge.Stephen J. Ball (ed.) - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    1 Introducing Monsieur Foucault Stephen J. Ball Michel Foucault is an enigma, a massively influential intellectual who steadfastly refused to align himself ...
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    Instinct and intelligence in British natural theology: Some contributions to Darwin's theory of the evolution of behavior.Robert J. Richards - 1981 - Journal of the History of Biology 14 (2):193-230.
    In late September 1838, Darwin read Malthus's Essay on Population, which left him with “a theory by which to work.”115 Yet he waited some twenty years to publish his discovery in the Origin of Species. Those interested in the fine grain of Darwin's development have been curious about this delay. One recent explanation has his hand stayed by fear of reaction to the materialist implications of linking man with animals. “Darwin sensed,” according to Howard Gruber, “that some would object to (...)
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  8. Rediscovering the Hidden Muses of Bohol; Filipino Music Maestri From Corella Church, Bohol part 2.William J. Summers - 2011 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 15 (3).
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  9. Quantum probability theory.Miklós Rédei & Stephen Jeffrey Summers - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (2):390-417.
  10. The hardening of the modern synthesis.Stephen J. Gould - unknown
    In 1937, just as Dobzhansky published the book that later generations would laud as the foundation of the modern synthesis, the American Naturnlist published a symposium on "supraspecific variation in nature and in classification." Alfred C. Kinsey, who later became one of America's most controversial intellectuals for his study of basic behaviors in another sort of WASP,1 led off the symposium with a summary of his extensive work on a family of gall wasps, the Cynipidae. In his article, Kinsey strongly (...)
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    Private Political Authority and Public Responsibility: Transnational Politics, Transnational Firms, and Human Rights.Stephen J. Kobrin - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (3):349-374.
    Transnational corporations have become actors with significant political power and authority which should entail responsibility and liability, specifically direct liability for complicity in human rights violations. Holding TNCs liable for human rights violations is complicated by the discontinuity between the fragmented legal/political structure of the TNC and its integrated strategic reality and the international state system which privileges sovereignty and non-intervention over the protection of individual rights. However, the post-Westphalian transition—the emergence of multiple authorities, increasing ambiguity of borders and jurisdiction (...)
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  12. Is value content a component of conventional implicature?Stephen J. Barker - 2000 - Analysis 60 (3):268-279.
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    Chaos and complexity in psychology: the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems.Stephen J. Guastello, Matthijs Koopmans & David Pincus (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book reports recent landmark developments and the state of the art in NDS science in psychological theory and research.
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  14. War metaphors in public discourse.Stephen J. Flusberg, Teenie Matlock & Paul H. Thibodeau - 2018 - Metaphor and Symbol 33 (1):1-18.
    War metaphors are ubiquitous in discussions of everything from political campaigns to battles with cancer to wars against crime, drugs, poverty, and even salad. Why are warfare metaphors so common, and what are the potential benefits and costs to using them to frame important social and political issues? We address these questions in a detailed case study by reviewing the empirical literature on the subject and by advancing our own theoretical account of the structure and function of war metaphors in (...)
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    Ethics and the Media: An Introduction.Stephen J. A. Ward - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a comprehensive introduction to media ethics and an exploration of how it must change to adapt to today's media revolution. Using an ethical framework for the new 'mixed media' ethics – taking in the global, interactive media produced by both citizens and professionals – Stephen J. A. Ward discusses the ethical issues which occur in both mainstream and non-mainstream media, from newspapers and broadcast to social media users and bloggers. He re-defines traditional conceptions of journalistic truth-seeking, (...)
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  16. Renewing meaning: a speech-act theoretic approach.Stephen J. Barker - 2004 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    This book develops an alternative approach to sentence- and word-meaning, which I dub the speech-act theoretic approach, or STA. Instead of employing the syntactic and semantic forms of modern logic–principally, quantification theory–to construct semantic theories, STA employs speech-act structures. The structures it employs are those postulated by a novel theory of speech-acts. STA develops a compositional semantics in which surface grammar is integrated with semantic interpretation in a way not allowed by standard quantification-based theories. It provides a pragmatic theory of (...)
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    Regulation during challenge: A general model of learned performance under schedule constraint.Stephen J. Hanson & William Timberlake - 1983 - Psychological Review 90 (3):261-282.
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  18. Education Reform: A Critical and Post-Structural Approach.Stephen J. Ball - 1995 - British Journal of Educational Studies 43 (2):221-223.
  19. Psychopathy and criminal responsibility.Stephen J. Morse - 2008 - Neuroethics 1 (3):205-212.
    This article considers whether psychopaths should be held criminally responsible. After describing the positive law of criminal responsibility in general and as it applies to psychopaths, it suggests that psychopaths lack moral rationality and that severe psychopaths should be excused from crimes that violate the moral rights of others. Alternative forms of social control for dangerous psychopaths, such as involuntary civil commitment, are considered, and the potential legal implications of future scientific understanding of psychopathy are addressed.
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    Global Journalism Ethics.Stephen J. A. Ward - 2010 - MQUP.
    Stephen Ward argues that present media practices are narrowly based within the borders of single country and thus unable to successfully inform the public about a globalized world. Presenting an ethical framework for work in multimedia, the author extends John Rawl’s theories of justice and the human good to redefine the aims for which journalism should strive and then applies this new foundation to issues such as the roles of patriotism and objectivity in journalism. An innovative argument that presents (...)
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  21. Rowe's noseeum arguments from evil.Stephen J. Wykstra - 1996 - In Daniel Howard-Snyder, The Evidential Argument from Evil. Indiana University Press. pp. 126--50.
  22. The Foundations of Skeptical Theism.Stephen J. Wykstra & Timothy Perrine - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (4):375-399.
    Some skeptical theists use Wykstra’s CORNEA constraint to undercut Rowe-style inductive arguments from evil. Many critics of skeptical theism accept CORNEA, but argue that Rowe-style arguments meet its constraint. But Justin McBrayer argues that CORNEA is itself mistaken. It is, he claims, akin to “sensitivity” or “truth-tracking” constraints like those of Robert Nozick; but counterexamples show that inductive evidence is often insensitive. We here defend CORNEA against McBrayer’s chief counterexample. We first clarify CORNEA, distinguishing it from a deeper underlying principle (...)
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    Conscious identification: Where do you draw the line?Stephen J. Lupker - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):37-38.
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    Foucault, power, and education.Stephen J. Ball - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Foucault, Power, and Education invites internationally renowned scholar Stephen J. Ball to reflect on the importance and influence of Foucault on his work in educational policy.
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  25. Politics and Policy Making in Education.Stephen J. Ball - 1991 - British Journal of Educational Studies 39 (4):450-453.
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    On the Moral Objection to Coercion.Stephen J. White - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 45 (3):199-231.
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    Transmission Failures.Stephen J. White - 2017 - Ethics 127 (3):719-732.
    According to a natural view of instrumental normativity, if you ought to do φ, and doing ψ is a necessary means for you to do φ, then you ought to do ψ. In “Instrumental Normativity: In Defense of the Transmission Principle,” Benjamin Kiesewetter defends this principle against certain actualist-inspired counterexamples. In this article I argue that Kiesewetter’s defense of the transmission principle fails. His arguments rely on certain principles—Joint Satisfiability and Reason Transmission—which we should not accept in the unqualified forms (...)
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  28. Performativity, Commodification and Commitment: An I-Spy Guide to the Neoliberal University.Stephen J. Ball - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (1):17-28.
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    Is Executive Function the Universal Acid?Stephen J. Morse - 2022 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 16 (2):299-318.
    This essay responds to Hirstein, Sifferd and Fagan’s book, Responsible Brains, which claims that executive function is the guiding mechanism that supports both responsible agency and the necessity for some excuses. In contrast, I suggest that executive function is not the universal acid and the neuroscience at present contributes almost nothing to the necessary psychological level of explanation and analysis. To the extent neuroscience can be useful, it is virtually entirely dependent on well-validated psychology to correlate with the neuroscientific variables (...)
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    Auditory-motor synchronization with temporally fluctuating sequences is dependent on fractal structure but not musical expertise.Summer K. Rankin & Charles J. Limb - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:103164.
    Fractal structure is a ubiquitous property found in nature and biology, and has been observed in processes at different levels of organization, including rhythmic behavior and musical structure. A temporal process is characterized as fractal when serial long-term correlations and statistical self-similarity (scaling) are present. Previous studies of sensorimotor synchronization using isochronous (non-fractal) stimuli show that participants' errors exhibit persistent structure (positive long-term correlations), while their inter-tap intervals (ITIs) exhibit anti-persistent structure (negative long-term correlations). Auditory-motor synchronization has not been investigated (...)
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    Topologies of Power: Foucault's Analysis of Political Government beyond 'Governmentality'.Stephen J. Collier - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (6):78-108.
    The publication of Michel Foucault’s lectures at the Collège de France in the late 1970s has provided new insight into crucial developments in his late work, including the return to an analysis of the state and the introduction of biopolitics as a central theme. According to one dominant interpretation, these shifts did not entail a fundamental methodological break; the approach Foucault developed in his work on knowledge/power was simply applied to new objects. The present article argues that this reading — (...)
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  32.  81
    Is self-respect a moral or a psychological concept?Stephen J. Massey - 1982 - Ethics 93 (2):246-261.
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    A Critical Review of Sustainable Business Indices and their Impact.Stephen J. Fowler & C. Hope - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (3):243-252.
    Most studies into the performance of socially responsible investment vehicles have focused on the performance of sustainable or socially responsible mutual funds. This research has been complemented recently by a number of studies that have examined the performance of sustainable investment indices. In both cases, the majority of studies have concluded that the returns of socially responsible investment vehicles have either underperformed, or failed to outperform, comparable market indices. Although the impact of sustainable indices to date has been limited, the (...)
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    Self‐prediction in practical reasoning: Its role and limits.Stephen J. White - 2021 - Noûs 55 (4):825-841.
    Are predictions about how one will freely and intentionally behave in the future ever relevant to how one ought to behave? There is good reason to think they are. As imperfect agents, we have responsibilities of self-management, which seem to require that we take account of the predictable ways we're liable to go wrong. I defend this conclusion against certain objections to the effect that incorporating predictions concerning one's voluntary conduct into one's practical reasoning amounts to evading responsibility for that (...)
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  35. Management as moral technology: a Luddite analysis.Stephen J. Ball - 1990 - In Foucault and education: disciplines and knowledge. New York: Routledge. pp. 153--166.
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  36. Irony and the dogma of force and sense.Stephen J. Barker & Mihaela Popa-Wyatt - 2015 - Analysis 75 (1):9-16.
    Frege’s distinction between force and sense is a central pillar of modern thinking about meaning. This is the idea that a self-standing utterance of a sentence S can be divided into two components. One is the proposition P that S’s linguistic meaning and context associates with it. The other is S’s illocutionary force. The force/sense distinction is associated with another thesis, the embedding principle, that implies that the only content that embeds in compound sentences is propositional content. We argue that (...)
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  37. Can Evolutionary Biology do Without Aristotelian Essentialism?Stephen J. Boulter - 2012 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 70:83-103.
    It is usually maintained by biologists and philosophers alike that essentialism is incompatible with evolutionary biology, and that abandoning essentialism was a precondition of progress being made in the biological sciences. These claims pose a problem for anyone familiar with both evolutionary biology and current metaphysics. Very few current scientific theories enjoy the prestige of evolutionary biology. But essentialism – long in the bad books amongst both biologists and philosophers – has been enjoying a strong resurgence of late amongst analytical (...)
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  38. Moral and legal responsibility and the new neuroscience.Stephen J. Morse - 2005 - In Judy Illes, Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy. Oxford University Press.
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  39. (1 other version)An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy.Stephen J. Laumakis - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this clearly written undergraduate textbook, Stephen Laumakis explains the origin and development of Buddhist ideas and concepts, focusing on the philosophical ideas and arguments presented and defended by selected thinkers and sutras from various traditions. He starts with a sketch of the Buddha and the Dharma, and highlights the origins of Buddhism in India. He then considers specific details of the Dharma with special attention to Buddhist metaphysics and epistemology, and examines the development of Buddhism in China, Japan, (...)
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    Towards a pragmatic theory of 'if'.Stephen J. Barker - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 79 (2):185 - 211.
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  41. The “evolutionary argument” and the metaphilosophy of commonsense.Stephen J. Boulter - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (3):369-382.
    Recently in these pages it has been argued that a relatively straightforward version of an old argument based on evolutionary biology and psychology can be employed to support the view that innate ideas are a naturalistic source of metaphysical knowledge. While sympathetic to the view that the “evolutionary argument” is pregnant with philosophical implications, I show in this paper how it needs to be developed and deployed in order to avoid serious philosophical difficulties and unnecessary complications. I sketch a revised (...)
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    The Invention of Journalism Ethics, Second Edition: The Path to Objectivity and Beyond.Stephen J. A. Ward - 2015 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Does objectivity exist in the news media? In The Invention of Journalism Ethics, Stephen Ward argues that given the current emphasis on interpretation, analysis, and perspective, journalists and the public need a new theory of objectivity. He explores the varied ethical assertions of journalists over the past few centuries, focusing on the changing relationship between journalist and audience. This historical analysis leads to an innovative theory of pragmatic objectivity that enables journalists and the public to recognize and avoid biased (...)
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  43. Philosophical foundations for global journalism ethics.Stephen J. A. Ward - 2005 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 20 (1):3 – 21.
    This article proposes 3 principles and 3 imperatives as the philosophical foundations of a global journalism ethics. The central claim is that the globalization of news media requires a radical rethinking of the principles and standards of journalism ethics, through the adoption of a cosmopolitan attitude. The article explains how and why ethicists should construct a global journalism ethics, using a contractualist approach. It then formulates 3 "claims" or principles: the claims of credibility, justifiable consequence, and humanity. The claim of (...)
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    Vital Systems Security: Reflexive Biopolitics and the Government of Emergency.Stephen J. Collier & Andrew Lakoff - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (2):19-51.
    This article describes the historical emergence of vital systems security, analyzing it as a significant mutation in biopolitical modernity. The story begins in the early 20th century, when planners and policy-makers recognized the increasing dependence of collective life on interlinked systems such as transportation, electricity, and water. Over the following decades, new security mechanisms were invented to mitigate the vulnerability of these vital systems. While these techniques were initially developed as part of Cold War preparedness for nuclear war, they eventually (...)
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  45. Cornea, Carnap, and Current Closure Befuddlement.Stephen J. Wykstra - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (1):87-98.
    Graham and Maitzen think my CORNEA principle is in trouble because it entails “intolerable violations of closure under known entailment.” I argue that the trouble arises from current befuddlement about closure itself, and that a distinction drawn by Rudolph Carnap, suitably extended, shows how closure, when properly understood, works in tandem with CORNEA. CORNEA does not obey Closure because it shouldn’t: it applies to “dynamic” epistemic operators, whereas closure principles hold only for “static” ones. What the authors see as an (...)
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    Handbook of Global Media Ethics.Stephen J. A. Ward (ed.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This handbook is one of the first comprehensive research and teaching tools for the developing area of global media ethics. The advent of new media that is global in reach and impact has created the need for a journalism ethics that is global in principles and aims. For many scholars, teachers and journalists, the existing journalism ethics, e.g. existing codes of ethics, is too parochial and national. It fails to provide adequate normative guidance for a media that is digital, global (...)
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    Aquinas and the Presence of the Human Rational Soul in the Early Embryo.Stephen J. Heaney - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (1):19-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS AND THE PRESENCE OF THE HUMAN RATIONAL SOUL IN THE EARLY EMBRYO STEPHEN J. HEANEY University of Saint Thomas Saint Paul, Minnesota FIRST IN RELATION to evolution and more recently in relation to abortion, there has been a recurrence of Thomas Aquinas's arguments for the thesis that the human rational soul is not present in the human body immediately upon conception. Since soul and body must be (...)
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  48. Choice, Pathways and Transitions Post-16: New Youth, New Economies and the Global City.Stephen J. Ball, Meg Maguire & Sheila Macrae - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (3):357-359.
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    Drones, robots and perceived autonomy: implications for living human beings.Stephen J. Cowley & Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):591-594.
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    Cross-disciplinary research as a platform for philosophical research.Stephen J. Crowley, Chad Gonnerman & Michael O'rourke - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (2):344-363.
    It is argued that core areas of philosophy can benefit from reflection on cross-disciplinary research (CDR). We start by giving a brief account of CDR, describing its variability and some of the ways in which philosophers can interact with it. We then provide an argument in principle for the conclusion that CDR is philosophically fecund, arguing that since CDR highlights fundamental differences among disciplinary research worldviews, it can be used to motivate new philosophical problems and supply new insights into old (...)
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